Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Racial Observation for the Holidays

Has anyone noticed that whenever you recieve a call, and said person dialing your number has dialed the incorrect number, that said person is always black? I mean, just days ago i recieved one of these calls.

Me: Hello?
Caller: Yo, Tyrone there?
Me: You mean, "May I please speak with Tyrone?"
Caller: Are you white?
Me: Yes.
Caller: Die, Honky.

Often times, this nubian intruder will often act upset or annoyed at you for not being the person which they had originally intended to reach. As if they're mad at you for owning a phone attached to the number they just dialed, and are now inconvenienced by the interaction. I mean, sorry to interrupt your viewing of the 227 marathon, but i need to be connected to the rest of the world too. Don't get me wrong, I love Marla Gibbs as much as anyone else, but I've got some hands free national roaming to do.

Also, on a related topic, do you think that Schwarzenegger did a really lousy russian accent in the movie Red Heat?

I don't think so.

Thanks for visiting the Pay Toilet.
I hope everything came out alright.

-Johnny Stee

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