Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Great Names for a Band or Things I May Have Tried To Put My Johnson Into

- Rabid Animal

- Death Jester

- The Flaming Skulls

- Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass

- A Microwaved Cantaloupe

Tim White is a Cheap Bastard

For those of you outside of the Cleveland area, Tim White is a co-anchor of our local NBC affiliate WKYC. Now I'm just guessing here, but i would assume Tim White makes a pretty good living for himself, being a local celebrity and all. I mean, look at the guy -

I myself work as a server at an upscale italian restaurant. I may be a server, but i also make a good living.

The long and the short of it is:

On December 23rd, 2006 - Tim White hands me payment for his meal with a nice smile and says to me with genuine holiday cheer - "I hope you have a very merry christmas."

Tim White left me a 3 dollar tip on a 65 dollar check.

Fuck you, Tim White.

Based on this happening alone, it is clear to me that there is only one possible reason for his actions.

Tim White is Hitler.